When pen meets paper anything is possible. This is a place where age old folklore can be seen through the lens of modern curiosities, where the roll of the dice can change everything, and where every story is profound to someone.
Hopefully today, that someone is you.
Through the trees
Through the Trees - Introduction
An introduction to my ongoing fantasy novel - Through the Trees.
Through the Trees - Prologue - Planting the Seed
The tale starts here, hundreds of years ago in another realm.
Through the trees - Chapter 1 - Roots
The Elderkin family come together in loss.
Through The Trees - Chapter 2 -Uprooted
A mysterious stranger tears the Elderkin family apart.
Through the trees - Chapter 3 - Otherworld
Whilst Maeve is held hostage in another realm, the rest of the children hatch a rescue plan.
Through the Trees - Chapter 4 - Cursed
Zoe and the others try to find a way to follow their children into the Otherworld.
Through the Trees - Chapter 5 - Prisoners in the Dark
The family encounter an imprisoned madman before events turn violent once more atop the mountain.
Through the Trees - Chapter 6 - Muddied Waters
The children find themselves in deep water.
Through the Trees - Chapter 7 - Cauldron of Rebirth
The family seek the help of the witch of the woods, and soon find themselves on a perilous errand.
Through the Trees - Chapter 8 - All The King's Men
The children continue their hunt for the Salmon, unaware they're being hunted themselves.
Through the Trees - Chapter 9 - The Sparrowhawk
The adults must meet a formidable challenge if they're to have any hope of obtaining the cure for Lewis.
Through the Trees - Chapter 10 - Seeking Wisdom
The children find themselves following a chain of ancient animals, one they hope will lead to one particularly wise salmon.
Through the Trees - Chapter 11 - One Man's Legacy
The children ponder the reason behind this realms woes with the Salmon whilst Gwydion plots his next step.
Through the Trees - Chapter 12 - Reunion in the Deep
The Elderkin family finally find each other in the depths of a sunken city, but the joy of their reunion is short lived.
Through the Trees - Chapter 13 - Remnants
Maeve and her parents try to pick up the pieces after the devastation of the night before.
Through the Trees - Chapter 14 - Belly of the Beast
Two unlikely survivors find themselves lost in the labyrinthine lair of the Afanc.
Through the Trees - Chapter 15 - Under the Mountain
Idris, Hope, and Fred find themselves miles away from the others with no choice but to delve beneath the mountains.
Through the Trees - Chapter 16 - Family Tree
Old secrets are finally revealed as the Elderkins discover the truth behind their heritage.
Through the Trees - Chapter 17 - Friend of Foe
Orson must navigate a subterranean den of monsters as his father is led astray by a malevolent voice.
Through the Trees - Chapter 18 - Sleeping Giant
Idris, Hope, and Fred near the light at the end of their trek beneath the mountain, yet a looming shadow threatens their escape.
Through the Trees - Chapter 19 - The Pit
Whilst Maeve and the others discuss an unlikely ally, Lewis comes face to face with his father’s killer.
Through the Trees - Chapter 20 - The Battle of the Trees
The tale comes to a dramatic head as Gwydion launches one last ditch attack against the Elderkin family.
Through the Trees - Chapter 21 - To Court Death
The family find themselves before the king of the Otherworld, and quickly realise this meeting might very well decide the fate of this Wales of myth.